Three stars for Grisham’s “Camino Island.”

As usual, Grisham delivers a fast, interesting read.

Mercer, the heroine in the story, is not introduced until chapter three. Cable, the loveable book master, is introduced prior to this, in chapter two. Of course, the actual theives we get to know right off the bat, but then they aren’t heard from again until towards the end of the book.

As an author, I found it a bit unbelievable that Mercer was having such a difficult time “writing,” but maybe it was more her life circumstances that were causing her writer’s block for three years. I also found that, despite her protests at not being able to “do the job” she was recruited for, the time-frame moved too quickly. Initially, she was given a six-month schedule, yet in the novel it took around six weeks.

Cable was more believable in the essence that he’d been delving in the book world for years. His relationship with the beautiful Noelle is believable, despite their open relationship. It made me wonder if theirs was more of a business relationship than actual personal.

I tend not to want to give away too much when doing a review, and I won’t here, either. What I will say is that Grisham ties the story up quite nicely, and leaves me with a good feeling. Well worth a read, but not one of his best.