I came across a Grammarly article24 tips for all your writing needs this morning, and thought to share it with my fellow authors. I use Grammarly on a regular basis as a guideline before I hand my novels over to my book editor for final polishing.

Every day, we write college papers, blog posts, work documents, emails, and social media updates. Some of us even write novels and stories! (like me)

Our writing represents who we are personally and professionally, so it’s worth it to hone your skills. Therefore, every day, to us, should be National Grammar Day. 

The article covers 24 tips for all your writing needs to help you communicate better in text – novels, emails, letters, etc. Such things as: setting goals, writing in the mornings, research, outlining, formatting – just to name a few.

So, click on the links and read through the article. As writers, we need every bit of advise possible, even if we have heard it all before, it doesn’t hurt to have a reminder.

Have a wonderful day from your Writer on the Run